Gvc simulation for peak current mode controlled Boost converter in Simplis
Ming Sun / December 23, 2022
9 min read • ––– views
Gvc transfer function for PCM (peak current mode) Boost converter
In Ref. [1], we have derived the Gvc transfer function for PCM controlled Boost converter.
Where, the DC gain is:
The dominant pole is:
The subhamonic oscillation pole is:
The quality factor Q is:
The right half plane zero is:
In this tutorial, let us create the Gvc test bench in Simplis and verify the above equations.
Gvc test bench in Simplis for PCM Boost converter
The PCM controlled Boost converter is as shown in Fig. 1.
The transient waveforms from Simplis simulation are as shown in Fig. 2.
The AC simulation result of Gvc is as shown in Fig. 3.
Comparison between Matlab and Simplis
The following Matlab script can be used to compare the Gvc transfer function between Matlab and Simplis.
clc; clear; close all;
Vg = 3.8;
V = 20;
L = 1e-6;
C = 10e-6;
fsw = 3e6;
Rsns = 0.3;
R = 20;
Dp = Vg/V;
D = 1-Dp;
Ts = 1/fsw;
Se = (V-Vg)/L*Rsns;
Sr = Vg/L*Rsns;
s = tf('s');
Gvc0 = R*Dp/(2*Rsns + Dp^3*R*Se*Ts/Vg);
wp = 2/R/C;
wn = pi*fsw;
Q = 1/pi/(Dp*(1+Se/Sr)-0.5);
wrhpz = R*Dp^2/L;
Gvc = Gvc0*(1-s/wrhpz)/(1+s/wp)/(1+s/wn/Q+s^2/wn^2);
h = bodeplot(Gvc); % Plot the Bode plot of G(s)
setoptions(h, 'FreqUnits', 'Hz'); % change frequency scale from rad/sec to Hz
p = getoptions(h);
p.PhaseMatching = 'on';
p.PhaseMatchingFreq = 1;
p.PhaseMatchingValue = 0;
grid on;
hold on;
% read simplis simulation results from csv file
data = csvread("simplis.csv", 1, 0);
freq = data(:,1);
mag = data(:,2);
phase = data(:,3);
ax = findobj(gcf, 'type', 'axes');
phase_ax = ax(1);
mag_ax = ax(2);
% append simplis plot to bode plot
plot(phase_ax, freq, phase, 'r--', 'LineWidth', 2);
plot(mag_ax, freq, mag, 'r--', 'LineWidth', 2);
legend('Math', 'Simplis')
xlim([100, 1.67e6]);
The comparison result from Matlab is as shown in Fig. 4.
In the above condition, we let compensation ramp to track the inductor current down slope. As a result, Eq. 5 can be written as:
We can run another condition, where we reduce the compensation ramp slope. As a result, the quality factor Q should be increased and we will see higher peaking introduced by the subhamonic poles. The new Gvc plot from AC simulation with reduced compensation ramp slope is as shown in Fig. 5.
References and downloads
[1] Modeling of peak current mode controlled Boost converter
[2] Gvc test bench for PCM controlled Boost converter schematic - pdf
[3] Gvc test bench for PCM controlled Boost converter schematic - download